Monday, 25 February 2013

Conscription Crisis

The Conscription crisis was the the mandatory military service which made all men over 18 join the Canadian army. Everyone was outraged about Prime Minister Borden's choice to put in the overseas conscription  because he had promised that there would not be one. Borden knew the conscription was divisive and passed the military services act making conscription the law. The conscription caused the Canadian Expeditionary forces to expand and also caused the Canadians to be divided into the French Canadians and English Canadians. Everyone was concerned that the CEF was going to disband, forcing all of the canadians to fight for or in another allied forces' unit. Many of the families were not willing to sacrifice another man but also fewer men were willing to volunteer for certain death overseas and because of this it lead to the need to replace battlefield losses. Men that had been overseas were being told to go back across but they believed that they had already done their duty. This causes people to question the real value in war because they thought that the leaders did not value the soldiers lives and they were concerned about profiteering. These are just some of the ways people were effected by the conscription crisis in World War 1.

How did the war impact Canadian lives at home?

World War One lasted five long years, and resulted in many injury's and many Canadian lives lost. The Canadians were frighting alongside Britain to gain power over Germany. 600,000 Canadian men and women were enlisted in the war. After word got out that many did not survive, enlistment numbers went down. In the end 66,000 were dead, and many others were injured. Not only were many harmed physically, but also many were mentally and emotionally damaged after seeing the horrific dangers of the war. The families of the soldiers that did make it home would have to fear of their loved one re-enlisting and the possibility that they would not return home. Not only the families were affected but also friends of the soldiers that had to deal with the emotional trauma. While the soldiers were at War many women took on the tough jobs that the men could no longer do. The women were responsible for making weapons and large amounts of food. While the women were working they were also responsible for taking care of there children. Canada debt as a result of  the war rose from $463 million in 1913 to $2.46 billion in 1918, at one point the war was costing Canada over $1 million a day. Income taxes went up temporarily in order to win victory. With the outbreak of the war, demands for soldiers, nurses, farm labourers and factory workers increased simultaneously. This resulted in the economy being affected in a big way. 

The Impact on Canadian Citizens During World War One

The Impact on Canadian Citizens During World War One

           Many Canadian citizens greatly supported World War One from the homefront. Women worked very hard to support the war. Some women enlisted as nurses and were sent overseas. Others began to work in factories that produced supplies during the war. Children collected scrap metal and other materials to help in the effort. Everyone worked together to support the war and this deeply impacted Canadian's at home.
         Canadian men were pressured heavily to enlist and fight in the war. Women were expected to work very hard in factories. Children were supposed to help take their fathers and brothers roles and support their family. This was very hard for many people to accept their new roles and say good by to loved ones. The amount of deaths during the war also affected Canadian citizens. 64, 976 Canadian soldiers died overseas during the war, this really impacted their families at home and the morale on the homefront. Many things changed in Canada from 1914-1918, women were allowed to vote, income tax was introduced and the conscription policy passed. Very many women were excited at the fact that they could finally vote. However a large majority of people were angry at the Canadian government for breaking their promises by adding income tax and conscription. There was a lot of mixed feelings about the war and its purpose during this time. Most French Canadians didn't support the war and many English Canadians did. This produced a lot of anger between these people which sometimes resulted in riots and fights. World War One also seriously damaged Canadas economy. Billions of dollars was spent to support the war and this affected many people at home. All of these new changes for Canada in this short time impacted many people on the homefront. Some people were outraged while others showed support and were excited with the new changes. World War One deeply impacted Canadian citizens and it helped shape Canada to who we are today.

Canada's changing relationship with England.

Describe Canada’s changing relationships with England.  Is this positive or negative?  Why?
Throughout the war Canada continued to stand alongside England in their attempt to win the war and strip Germany of power.
Canada's changing relationship with England in my opinion has shown to be positive as Canada began to gain independence which shows that they have become a more powerful country on their own. During Passchendaele, 1917, Canadian soldiers met their objectives but the slaughter of the battle was so bad that Prime Minister Borden told the British Prime Minister "that if there is a repetition of the battle of Passchendaele, not a Canadian soldier will leave the shores of Canada as long as the Canadian people entrust the government of Canada to [his] hands" (The Canadian Challenge, 36). This shows that Canada has began to stop taking orders from England and has started making decisions for themselves in order to be able to try and save their men from another terrible slaughter.
As the power of the British Empire was slowly fading as it moved towards a commonwealth of equals. In the aftermath of the war, Canada was now becoming an independent country redefining its role in the new world order.

Canada before WW1

                                        What Did Canada Look Like Before World War One

    Before World War One, Canada was very two sided, there was the French Canadians and there was the English Canadians. We were emerging from  British Colonial rule, which ment our foreign policy was dictacted by Britian. We were also extremely racist and disriminatory towards first naions peoples, we took their land and forced them onto smaller areas of land. The Canadian Identity before World War One was very uncertain because we as a country hadn't done anything import in the world so people viewed us as Britians little child.
    Some challanges we faced were, balancing the different perspectives between the french and the english. This would prove to be an extremely hard task is the years to come, especially during World War One when conscription came into play. Another challange we faced was, inequality between rich and poor and men and woman. Woman could not vote and did not have a say in how the country was governed which is stupid because they make up half of the countries population. Another challange was when the British asked the canadians for money to build up there navy. The English Canadians were all for it and would be offeneded if the government said no because they wanted to support the britsih because they were from British descent. However the French Canadians were insulted when asked if they should give moeny to the british because they were not from british descent. Canada then put the money towards there own navy which consisted of 6 naval ships which would be at britians disposal if a war broke out. This didnt please the british or the french so neither side was happy.
    As you can see, Canada was a tad confused about what there identiy actually was before World War One.
Vimy Ridge

Vimy Ridge one of the greatest battles of Canadian history. People say that without the battle of Vimy Ridge Canada might not be an independent country today. The battle took place at Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France, during the First World War. The battle was between the Canadian Corp which had four divisions and they where against the Germans which had three divisions.The battle took place to try and capture the German high ground so that if allied forces tried to advance they wouldn't be ambushed. Other allied forces tried to take the german high ground but failed. The Canadians tried and succeded because they used special military tatics invented by Sir Edwin Alderson. His stratigies were to shell the enimies fearcly and advance. and his other most succesful strategy was to dig under ground to advance to the emimies."The battle was the first occasion when all four divisions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force participated in a battle together and thus became a Canadian nationalistic symbol of achievement and sacrifice"  (wikipedia). This is really important because this is showing how other countries now see the strength and independence Canada has and they now see us as an independent country. The image of national unity and achievement is what initially gave the battle importance to Canada.

Vimy Ridge

Vimy Ridge

Some people say that the battle of Vimy Ridge was the war that Canada proved themselves as not just a colony, but a nation. This battle was three days long. It went from April 9th to April 12th in the year of 1917. The battle took place in 
Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France. Canada was now considered it's own independent nation because Canada was the only   nation to successfully capture the German high grounds. Beginning in 1915, the French repeatedly tried to take this strategically important high ground. For two years they failed and lost 150,000 men during their attempts. After the French, The British then tried to take the high grounds. But the also failed. Canada succeded because for months Canadian Major-General Sir Arthur William Currie had researched and planned for his troops inevitable assault on Vimy Ridge. Also Canada used taticts that the other nations hadn't tried before. The Canadians fire heavy arteliary on the Germans and then climbed out of the trenches battling their way closer to the high grounds. Another tactic they used was digging tunnels under to try and attack Germany from behind inside of the high grounds. The Canadians called back the British army, and advanced throughout the day. The Germans faced heavy casualties and were forced to retreat, and be forced out of Vimy Ridge. 

The importance of the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

On June 28, 1914 the Archduke Franz, and his wife, Archduchess Sophia were killed in a shotting by Gavrilo Princip, a memeber of a Serbian extremist group, called the Black Hand. The two had got in a limousine and were passing the crowds when a person throw a bomb into their limousine. The Archduke bravley throw the bomb away, neither he nor his wife was hurt in the explosion. When the limousine continued to pass, the young Serbian extremist jumped into there limousine and then proceeded to shot the pear, the two were dead within minutes. This assasination lead to anger and rage between the Austro-Hungarian Emperor and the Serbian nation. Other countries soon began to pick sides, which lead to World War 1. This is why the Assasination of Franz and his wife was important to the causes of World War 1.

Borden's Contribution to the Canadian Identity

           Canada is an independant strong country, however I don't think we'd be exactly where we are today if it weren't for prime minister Borden.  Borden insisted that Canada's role in the war was very important. He would not let Canada pull out and when no men were enrolling, he insisted upon conscrption.  Because of Canada's role in the war we were able to sign the Treaty of Versailles on our own, we got a seat in the Peace conference, as well as the Imperial War Cabinet, all of which added to Canada's identity of a independant nation.  So, what if we had ended up pulling out of the war? We wouldn't be independant, instead Canada would still be just another British colony.  Borden was the person responsible for our role in the war.  When people wanted to pull out he knew that if Canada's role in the war continued we would gain great things from it. While many people at the time hated borden for sending our people to war, in the end Borden was a huge contributer to the Canadian identity and helped Canada become its own nation.

Canadian identity

This picture describe the Canadian identity because hockey is Canada's national winter sport. Also a lot of Canadians play hockey or are involved in hockey (coaching, watching there kids play). Also Canadians enjoy watching hockey and most Canadians can tell you there favourite team if you ask. Hockey is also thought of as a symbol of Canada because in the winter a lot of commercials involve Canadians either playing hockey or watching hockey or supporting and being involved with a local league. Hockey is also Canada's most successful sport in international competition. We also have really good teams, like our world junior team, usually  they  either win gold or place high every year because of there dedication and support from there friends and family. Finally I think hockey is a symbol of Canada and part of the Canadian identity because it is a big part of a lot peoples lives in Canada.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Canadian Identity: Healthcare system,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42553238,d.aWc&biw=1524&bih=745&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=bMUiUbaMHaKGyQGO-oGIBQ#um=1&hl=en&tbo=d&tbm=isch&spell=1&q=health+symbol&sa=X&ei=xcUiUbyuKsPRyQGBjYG4BQ&ved=0CEwQvwUoAA&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42553238,d.aWc&fp=2aac5b57abd9775d&biw=1524&bih=745&

I choose this image because I believe that Canada's health care reputation is what attracts immigrants to live in Canada. Our healthcare system is what makes up Canada's reputation of being a just nation because symbolizes our values of equality. I personally think that out healthcare is one trait that represents justice because anyone can afford it, because it's free, whereas, a lot of people from other nations can not afford to go for a check up cause it's too costly.

Canadian women fighting in World War 2

Canadian Women's Army Corps Unit arriving in Italy, World War 2

As we learned in class, Canadian women did a lot in both World Wars, like building planes and bombs but not a lot of people know that women served as nurses and later they took on a larger role. In this photo, you can see women soldiers who have just landed in Italy. Women could enlist in any part of the armed services such as the Navy, Army or Air Force and received training in various fields.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Canada Fights For What They Believe In

 This is a picture of a Canadian soldier in Afghanistan. I think this shows a lot about the Canadian identity and how we stand up for what we believe in. Canada believes that Afghanistan should have a more stable and secure government, so we went and are currently helping them achieve that. Canada is trying to to change Afghanistan so it is safe for everyone and no longer a "safe haven for terrorists." Canada is trying to improve the cooperation between Pakistan and Afghanistan because we believe that everyone should feel safe and secure. We are willing to go to other countries and help them feel safe, a feeling that we may take for granted each day. I think that Canada feels as if everyone should have a sense of security, a feeling that is not common in Afghanistan, so we are helping them create a country based on the principles of rule and law, which can make Afghanistan a more secure environment for people. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

multiculturalism: As a part of the Canadian Identity
This picture shows a whole bunch of hands, all of different skin colors, coming together to lift up a globe with a Canadian flag. I think this demonstrates how Canada welcomes people of all different races and nationalities into our country/society.  When people and families from other countries immigrate to Canada they are able to feel at home even though they're home was once miles and miles away. We Canadians give them a home away from home by welcoming everyone here with open arms.  Also this picture shows how in Canada everyone can work together, live together and learn together without being judged or discriminated.  Canada does not favor certain people for their nationality, but rather everyone is given the same opportunities to succeed.   By sharing our country with people all around the world and working together we demonstrate multiculturalism, equality, sharing, and kindness. I believe all of those qualities are a major part in just some of the Canadian Identity

This picture represents the true beauty in the canadian wilderness, also the freedome that canadians have to explore this beauty.                                        
This picture represents the Canadian identity because all of the different images on this picture are used to represent Canada in many different ways. The animals on this picture are used to represent the freedom and the true beauty that the Canadian wildlife has to offer.   


  This is a photograph of an inukshuk. I chose this image because it represents Canada. Used for navigation or to mark travel routs, and some inukshuk like figures had spiritual meanings. The inuit built this human like structure called inunnguaq meaning "in the likeness of a human. An Inukshuk is the basis of the logo of the 2010 winter Olympics designed by  artist Elena Rivera MacGregor. On July 13, 2005, the Canadian military put an inukshuk on Hans Island along with a plaque and a Canadian flag. as part of Canada's longstanding dispute with Denmark over the small Arctic island. The markers have been put throughout the country, including a nine-metre-high inukshuk that stands in Toronto on the shores of Lake Ontario. There are different types of inukshuks, an inuksuk is built by placing stone upon stone. The shape and size of the local material largely determine the looks of an inuksuk. Irregular rocks and flat boulders are easier to work with and allow for many different types of inukshuks.  

Sir John Alexander Macdonald, was the first Prime Minister of Canada. The dominant figure of the Canadian Confederation. He had a political career which spanned almost half a century. Macdonald served 19 years as the first Canadian Prime Minister. Macdonald was designated as the first Prime Minister of the new nation, and served in that capacity for most of the remainder of his life, losing office for five years in the 1870s over the Pacific Scandal. After regaining his position, he saw the railroad through to completion in 1885. Now there is transportation and freight conveyance that helped unite Canada as one nation. Macdonald is credited with creating a Canadian Confederation despite many obstacles, and expanding what was a relatively small colony to cover the northern half of North America. By the time of his death in 1891, Canada had secured most of the territory it occupies today. Without this man Canada wouldn't be the nation it is today. We wouldnt have Conferderation and most likely we wouldn't be a independent nation.

Canadian Multiculturalism

The Canadian Identity

          This is a picture of the map of Canada but it is made up of many different countries flags. It represents that Canada is a multicultural nation and it is made up of people from all over the world. This image shows that the Canadian people accept and respect everyone. Canada is one of the most multicultural nations in the world and it is a large part of the Canadian identity. Multiculturalism demonstrates that Canadians are fair, friendly, respectful, peaceful and accepting of other people. Canadians respect other countries cultures, religions and beliefs. Our multiculturalism is recognized all over the world, Bill Clinton said this about Canada " In a world darkened by ethnic conflicts that tear nations apart, Canada stands as a model of how people of different cultures can live and work together in peace, prosperity, and mutual respect.". This picture represents that Canada has an identity of being a very multicultural country.

This is a photograph of a beaver. I chose this image because to me the beaver symbolizes Canada. The beaver, being an industrious, semi- aquatic mammal with excellent engineering skills symbolizes Canada as we have become an industrial country over the years and have many people with great engineering skills.
Also the beaver is an unaggressive,  hard-working, unassuming and willing animal and as Canada holds the reputation of being a peace keeping country that's where the unaggressiveness of the beaver comes in to representing Canada. With the beaver being willing it represents Canada in the World Wars
and how even though they were trying to become independent from Great Britain they still were willing to help the British. Just like the beavers are willing to keep on making and fixing their damns after they get destroyed. 
I also chose the Beaver as it is the animal that is on our nickel which represents our money system which shows our country has power because we have money to support our country.

Canadian identity,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNHCfYqJ2T2r9eUIAC-VdEeprDJC-w&ust=1360858222041524

This is a photo of Canada's flag and its made up of peoples faces. I picked this image because it shows how all the people in Canada make what this country's identity is. It is also the Canadian flag that represents the countries freedom and peace.This photo is a great example of what Canada is known for, and that's the people who live here now and the people who have made a difference in the past. 

Canadians as Peacekeepers


This photograph is a sign of peace.
I chose this image because i think it represents a lot of what Canada stands for and what we as Canadians believe in.

I think this picture represents Canada's Identity because we as Peacekeepers, are maintaining the peace within our country and are trying to spread the peace around the world for a happier place to live.
 Part of Canada's reputation is a peacekeeping nation.
This shows the sacrifices we as Canadians made during the war as our attempt to keep the peace!
Therefore, I think this represents Canada's Identity.

Canadian Identity

Instead of showing something that is the Canadian Identity, I'm covering something that ISN'T showing that, instead I'm going to cover one of the Canadian stereotypes surrounding snow. As we all know Canada doesn't snow all year and we don't live in igloos

Our snow usually isn't too bad and it doesn't make us idiots, and we don't get stuck in the middle of a road (unless you don't have snow tires)

We aren't the only people who get snow so it isn't strictly Canadian, therefore it be incorrect for you to say Snow is part of the Canadian identity.

Canadian Identity

  • Played his first NHL season in 1979-80
  • Retired in 1999 and was enducted into the hall of fame the same year
  • Was born in Bratford, Ontario, Canada in 1961 
Why I think he displays Canadian Identity is even though he didn't change world history he changed the history of hockey for Canadians.

Why he changed the history of hockey for canadians is he performed like no other canadian hockey player has ever had being the youngest player at only age 19 to score 50 goals in one season.   

How Beechwood cemetary shows and shapes the Canadian identity.

The recognition of Beechwood Cemetery as the national cemetery of Canada is important to the Canadian identity because it shows that we have many lost souls in Canada and that we cherish the ones we've lost. It is also an important step towards memorializing the people, great or small, who shaped our history and identity as a country by fighting in war, and other great difficulties that Canada has faced. The Beechwood Cemetery Foundation has accepted to hold in trust for future generations the stories and the histories of Canadian citizens who are buried on its grounds, regardless of their religious beliefs and practices, their cultural background or their social status.
Beechwood Cemetery, John Booth Monument
Beechwood Cemetery, John Booth Monument
© R. Goodspeed
Ottawa, as the Canada's capital, is a place for national celebrations and commemorations. The capital is home to the National War Memorial and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Valiants Memorial, the Monument to Peace and Remembrance, the Monument to Canadian Aid Workers, and the Canadian Tribute to Human Rights.
While Canada has national memorials, military cemeteries and fields of honour, it did not have, until now, a national cemetery that embraces the breadth and diversity of this land’s social, political and cultural diversity. Canada has and always will honour the fallen solders who left family, friends to risk their lives for the freedom of other people thus showing that Canada is selfless and takes other people before themselves.
The National Cemetery Act confers a very special honour upon Beechwood Cemetery, recognizing it as the national cemetery of Canada, created by Canadians for Canadians. I choose this because it's important to show how Canada has put themselves in the ground 6 feet under for our freedom, and the hope for equal rights. this cemetary has Canada's identity all over it.

The Mighty Beaver

This is a picture of the North American beaver. I chose to use the beaver as an image of Canada's identity because I believe it represents us well.
First off, the beaver is usually considered synonymous with Canada because it resides in many parts of Canada, so our country is brought to mind when one views the beaver. Next, the beaver is an intelligent, resourceful and enduring creature who defends its territory with pride, just like Canadians. The presence of beavers is also considered a Canadian stereotype, but its presence actually shows how similar Canada is to many other countries, as the beaver is found in America, and many parts of Eurasia. Also the beaver has a built in hammer and chainsaw. Thats pretty awesome. Image Source:,r:35,s:100,i:109&tx=118&ty=58

This is a picture of a drawing with people from different races surrounding the maple leaf.

This maple leaf in this photo represents Canada, and the hands around it represents how all the different races/cultures make up our country. The hands also represent how our country is multicultural, and that we treat everyone equal. Our Human Rights Commission states that "human rights are universal. With few exceptions, they apply to all human beings, simply by virtue of our common humanity. This idea is reflected in the purpose clause of the Canadian Human Rights Act , which specifies that "all individuals" are to be treated equally and without discrimination."

Canadian Freedom


This is a picture of a Candian riding a moose in his hockey gear. This picture represents Candians freedom, and the love of the game Hockey. This shows Candian freedom because Canada is a free Country and we can do anything we would like as long as it's not against the law. Such as when Sir Winston Churchill says "There are no limits to the majestic future which lies before the mighty expanse of Canada". We can ride a moose if we want to! Also this shows Canada's love of the game for hockey because, we wear our hockey gear around with us everywhere because we love to show our support for the game and wearing our countries colours with pride. Such as when Jordan Eberle says, "Every boxing day i'd miss any events i had planned, and sit down with the family and watch team Canada play".

Canadian identity

The Canadian flag is one of the biggest symbols for Canadians. It shows our freedom as a Canadian  and represents who we are as a country. It shows that we are a independent. When we hang up the flag it shows the love and respect we have for our country.The Canadian flag is hung up to show the freedom we have as a country.

Canadian identity

The Maple Tree represents the Canadian identity because all though we have grown as country and a society we all have one thing in common and that is our roots.  Like the branches on the tree they grow and go their separate ways but stay connected by the roots of the tree.


Tuesday, 12 February 2013

UG Cloud and Blogging

Here is the link to the presentation from today's class.

UG Cloud and Blogging

War on the Home Front

Using the Internet, answer the following questions in your notes.

What is the home front?

How did Canadians at home contribute to World War I?

What do the contributions of Canadians reveal about the Canadian identity?