Monday 18 February 2013

Canadian Identity: Healthcare system,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42553238,d.aWc&biw=1524&bih=745&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=bMUiUbaMHaKGyQGO-oGIBQ#um=1&hl=en&tbo=d&tbm=isch&spell=1&q=health+symbol&sa=X&ei=xcUiUbyuKsPRyQGBjYG4BQ&ved=0CEwQvwUoAA&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42553238,d.aWc&fp=2aac5b57abd9775d&biw=1524&bih=745&

I choose this image because I believe that Canada's health care reputation is what attracts immigrants to live in Canada. Our healthcare system is what makes up Canada's reputation of being a just nation because symbolizes our values of equality. I personally think that out healthcare is one trait that represents justice because anyone can afford it, because it's free, whereas, a lot of people from other nations can not afford to go for a check up cause it's too costly.


  1. Although i agree that Canada's health care system is a big part of Canada,i don't think that immigrants come to Canada just for free health care. I think that immigrants would come because they know they would be free, and that they would be safe or safer than where they were before. Free health care would just be like an added bonus.

    1. I agree with you sami, but here's an example of what Im trying to say, most Americans immigrate here because they can't afford healthcare, however, you are kind of right when you said, " they know they would be free, and that they would be safe or safer than where they were before".

    2. Sami, you have done a solid job of articulating your disagreement respectfully and giving an alternate viewpoint.

    3. Mel, I like how you have continued the conversation and attempt to clarify your position with an example.

    4. Mel, travelling through the US with my family for various reasons has given me the opportunity to meet and get to know numerous Americans. Most of these people are so proud to be American that they would never think of leaving. They truly believe that their country is the greatest and leaving to go live somewhere else would not even cross their mind. I think that they would have to be pretty desperate if they were to leave for free healthcare, and even then, i don't believe that most would go.

  2. Mel, you have made an excellent connection between our system of universal health care and our belief that we are equal. Remember, though, the health care isn't free--we pay for it through our taxes. That said, I am more than happy to pay taxes to ensure that people receive quality care when they need it, without fear of financial ruin.
