Monday 25 February 2013

Canada before WW1

                                        What Did Canada Look Like Before World War One

    Before World War One, Canada was very two sided, there was the French Canadians and there was the English Canadians. We were emerging from  British Colonial rule, which ment our foreign policy was dictacted by Britian. We were also extremely racist and disriminatory towards first naions peoples, we took their land and forced them onto smaller areas of land. The Canadian Identity before World War One was very uncertain because we as a country hadn't done anything import in the world so people viewed us as Britians little child.
    Some challanges we faced were, balancing the different perspectives between the french and the english. This would prove to be an extremely hard task is the years to come, especially during World War One when conscription came into play. Another challange we faced was, inequality between rich and poor and men and woman. Woman could not vote and did not have a say in how the country was governed which is stupid because they make up half of the countries population. Another challange was when the British asked the canadians for money to build up there navy. The English Canadians were all for it and would be offeneded if the government said no because they wanted to support the britsih because they were from British descent. However the French Canadians were insulted when asked if they should give moeny to the british because they were not from british descent. Canada then put the money towards there own navy which consisted of 6 naval ships which would be at britians disposal if a war broke out. This didnt please the british or the french so neither side was happy.
    As you can see, Canada was a tad confused about what there identiy actually was before World War One.

1 comment:

  1. Graham, you have a very clear main point about Canada identity prior to World War One. I agree that Canada was confused (maybe conflicted is a better word?) about its identity. I wonder if there is still conflict surrounding the idea of what it means to Canadian. What is the Canadian identity today?
