Thursday, 31 January 2013

Responding to Blog Posts

As part of blogging, you are required to respond to some of your classmates' blogs.  You need to go beyond "Nice post!" and "Interesting facts!". 

First, when writing your blog post, you need to make sure that your classmates have something to respond to.  You do not want to list a whole bunch of facts.  Facts are hard to respond to.  Instead, your post needs to provoke thought.  This way, your classmates will be thinking about the ideas that you put forth and in their responses they can extend  your ideas or challenge your ideas and provide reasons to support their challenges.

I strongly suggest you thoroughly read through this PDF "Tips for Leaving a Good Blog Comment".  You can access it here:

The above PDF gives an example of a good blog post, as well as "dos" and "don'ts" for leaving a blog comment.

Here are some comment or discussion starters (courtesy of Peter Skillen) to help you when responding to your classmates' blogs:

I agree with you because …
I disagree with you because…
I think…
I believe…
Have you thought about…
I am confused…
Another explanation…
I don’t understand…
You need to…
Your journal entry would be better if…

Possible Blog Topics

Sometimes coming up with something to write about is the hardest part. Courtesy of Mrs. Unger, below is a list of possible blog topics.

Not specific to any one unit (you may not do two of these in a row)
- What was the most interesting this you learned this week?
- What would you like to learn more about?
- What have you learned about the Canadian identity?
- Choose a PM from the unit and explain how he shaped Canada’s identity.
- any paragraph or editorial type question from the text book on the topics we’ve covered.
- how independent is Canada at this point in its history?
- in what ways is Canada dependent (on whom) or independent at this point in history?

Unit 1
- Choose one of the battles and explain what it tells you about the Canadian identity.
- Which battle most impacted Canada’s identity?
- How did the war impact Canadian lives at home?
- What does the conscription crisis tell you about the Canadian identity?
- Why was the Khaki election fair, or unfair?
- How were Canadians changed by the war?
- How did PM Borden contribute to a Canadian identity?
- What do you think was the most significant change to Canadians’ social life in the 1920s?
- What was the most signficant long term cause of the depression?
- Describe Canada’s changing relationships with both the US and England.  Is this positive or negative?  Why?

Unit 2
- How did the Depression affect Canada’s sense of identity?
- Was the Allies’ use of an appeasement policy appropriate?
- Does appeasement work?  Why or Why not?
- In your opinion, was the Dieppe Raid a success or failure?
- How did Canadians on the homefront contribute to the war overseas?
- Comment on how PM King’s handling of conscription differed from PM Borden’s.  Which was better?  Why?
- Which mega-project do you think had the most significant impact on Canada?  Why?
- Explain why social safety net is significant to Canadian identity?
- Which aspect of social welfare that was introduced in this time period do you think is most important to Canadians?
- What were Canada’s responsibilities in the Cold War?  Did we live up to them?
- Discuss NATO, NORAD and the Warsaw pact - Do these help promote peace or conflict?
- Discuss “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
- Should the Allies (US) have been held responsible for the devastation at Hiroshima and Nagasaki like the Germans were held responsible for the Holocaust?  Both crimes against humanity?
- Should the US have dropped the bomb on Japan?  Twice?
- Write about Remembrance Day.

Unit 3
- Choose one of the Prime Ministers from this unit and explain his vision for Canada.
- What was the most important contribution to Canada’s identity made by PM Diefenbaker?
- What was the most important contribution to Canada’s identity made by PM Pearson?
- What was the most important contribution to Canada’s identity made by PM Trudeau?
- Who had the most productive relationship with the United States?  Explain your choice.
- What is your opinion on Trudeau’s “Third Option”?
- What is your opinion on Diefenbaker’s cancellation of the AVRO Arrow project?
- Post your podcast as a blog entry.  If you can’t post the mp3 file, you can type your podcast.
- What images would best go with your thesis from your podcast?  Post 3-5 images and explain how they support your argument (the most dominant value in this time period).

Unit 4
- How did Mulroney differ from Trudeau?  Who was more successful? (define ‘successful’)
- question on page 310 “Do you agree with the evaluation of “Trudeau as Canada’s ‘top newsmaker of the century’ and ‘PM of the Century’?  Express your point of view...”
- In your opinion, is Free Trade good for Canada or bad for Canada?
- Why do you think Mulroney wanted to open up the constitution once again?
- How do you feel about the phrase “distinct society” as it applies to Quebec?
- How did the end of the cold war change Canada’s foreign relations policy?
- Did the end of the cold war change Canada’s role as a peacekeeper?

Blogging in Grade 10 History

Throughout the semester you are expected to complete REGULAR writing that demonstrates your thinking of course ideas.  Don’t wait until the last week of school to complete your blog posts.  I will be scheduling regular computer time, so that you have the opportunity to blog during class time.  That said, you should also blog outside of class.

Over the course of the semester, you will complete ten (10) blog posts.  You are also required to respond to your classmates’ blog posts.  Writing and responding to blogs will account for 10% of your overall grade.  The rubrics for writing and responding are posted on the blog.

Everyone in the class will become a contributor to this blog:

You will require your UG Cloud account to contribute to the blog.  Also, please use Google Chrome as your Internet browser.

Over the semester, we will build on our blogging skills.  We will go beyond sharing our ideas in words, but also learn how to include images, videos, hyperlinks, labels, etc.


Blog Response Rubric

Ideas and Content
Did I convey a clear point, stay on topic and provide evidence?
My responses are stated, but they are underdeveloped.

My responses lack supporting details.
My topic is stated and I present the main ideas to support the topic.

My responses are stated and supporting details are limited.
My responses are developed in a clear and focused manner.

My responses are adequately developed using supporting details.
My responses are presented in a clear, focused manner that demonstrates knowledge and understanding.

My responses are strongly supported with details appropriate for the target audience and topic.
Did my language support my message?
My language was unclear and lacks a connection to topic, purpose, and/or audience.My language is basic and may lack a connection to the topic, purpose, and/or audience.My language is clear and appropriate for the topic, purpose and audience.My language is powerful and adds to the audience's understanding of my response.

Product Rubric
Ideas and Content
Did I convey a clear point, stay on topic and provide evidence?
My topic is stated, but the main ideas are underdeveloped.

My main ideas lack supporting details.
My topic is stated and I present the main ideas to support the topic.

My main ideas are stated and supporting details are limited.
My topic and main ideas are developed in a clear and focused manner.

My main ideas are adequately developed using supporting details.
My topic and main ideas are presented in a clear, focused manner that demonstrates knowledge and understanding.

My main ideas are strongly supported with details appropriate for the target audience and topic.
Did my language support my message?
My language was unclear and lacks a connection to topic, purpose, and/or audience.My language is basic and may lack a connection to the topic, purpose, and/or audience.My language is clear and appropriate for the topic, purpose and audience.My language is powerful and adds to the audience's understanding of the topic.
Was my product easy to follow?
My product's organization was hard to follow.My product's organization lacks purpose and development.My product's organization is appropriate for my topic and purpose.My product's organization adds to my meaning.
Did my images support my message?

My images are unrelated to the topic, are inappropriate, or distract from the presentation.My images relate to the topic, but generally do not add to my message.My images relate to my topic and support my message.My images relate to  my topic and support my message to add further detail.
Were my references reliable, varied and cited properly?
My references are unreliable, repetitive and/or cited improperly.My references are generally unreliable, repetitive and/or cited improperly.My references are reliable, generally varied and generally cited properly.My references are reliable, varied and cited properly.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Welcome to CHC 2D1

Everyone in  CHC2D1 with me are contributors to this blog.  That means that you can start new blog posts and comment on others' posts.

Use this blog to ask questions, post your thoughts, collaborate with classmates and get information.

I will use this space to share notes and information, but above all, I will also be asking questions and collaborating with you.

I am looking forward to learning with you this semester!!

Links (most recent first)

Long Term Causes of World War One

The Canadian identity is revealed through its past.